IRS Taxation Question
Judy Young is 58 years old. Judy is single, is not disabled, and has no dependents. In 2017, she had earnings from her job of $24,300. Judy has participated in her employer's self-only HDHP coverage since June 1, 2017 when she started a new job. Judy was an eligible individual all year. Judy asked the HSA trustee from her previous job to transfer the balance of $2,000 into the HSA at her new job. In 2017, Judy contributed $975 to her HSA. In 2017, Judy took funds from her HSA to pay the following expenses: Insulin $275 Doctor visit $185 Yoga classes $300 Prescription medicine $225 Premiums for COBRA coverage $425 Judy is a U.S. citizen and has a valid Social Security number.
The amount of total distributions reported on Form 8889, line 14a is:
Also, what is the amount reported on Form 8889, line 15?