
Journaling is an activity used by students and

Question: Journaling is an activity used by students and professionals alike for self-reflection. It has many personal and professional benefits including reducing stress and increasing learning (Alford, Malouff, & Osland, 2005; Liuolienë & Metiûnienë, 2009). You will be asked to journal about your thoughts, experiences, and/or insights. Please refer to the Journal Rubric under the Course Info tab for grading information.

Those who fight for human rights often encounter great resistance. But more significantly, those who fight for social justice affirm the finest qualities of our humanity.

The assignment: (300-600 words)

Write a journal entry that includes the following:

Explain how you might decide as an individual whether or not to become involved in fighting for social justice. Describe the issue and the circumstances that might affect your decision.

Support your Journal assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

Reference: The Responsibility to Protect: ‘Sound and Fury Signifying Nothing'? (by Aidan Hehir)

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Dissertation: Journaling is an activity used by students and
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