
journal review - human resources development

Journal Review - Human Resources Development Research

Students will write a two page summary of a business journal article. The summary should thoroughly address each of the following:

1. Title, Author (s), Journal, Date, Volume, Number, Pages.
2. Introduction. What basic question is the investigator trying to answer? Why?
3. Method
4. What or who are the participants?
5. What task do they perform or what tests do they take, or what characteristics are measured?
3. Results. What were the main findings in the study?

Discussion. In general, what did the study demonstrate? What are the implications of study? What questions remain for further research?
Criticisms. Point out at least two weaknesses in the research. Explain these criticisms thoroughly.
Post your Journal Review as a word document or text file.

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HR Management: journal review - human resources development
Reference No:- TGS0469384

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