
Journal of marketing research

Review the article:

Stanford, D. (2012). Mountain Dew wants some street cred. Bloomberg Business week. Retrieved from EBSCOHost.


1.       Ziethammer, R. (2006). Forward-looking bidding in online auctions. Journal of Marketing Research, 43, 462-476. Retrieved from EBSCOHost.

In a 2-3 page paper, answer the following:

  • Is Mountain Dew's advertising campaign directed at the right market segment, does it differentiate the product from the competition, and does it communicate effectively the product benefits? Explain your answer.
  • Provide a proposed redesign of the campaign that could have a more universal appeal. What communication channels should be focused on? Why?

Paper must be in the correct APA writing style. Include a minimum of 2-3 resources; 1 resource must be peer reviewed.

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Marketing Research: Journal of marketing research
Reference No:- TGS0548512

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