
Journal entries to record each transaction-adjustment


Enter the following column headings across the top of a sheet of paper:

  • Transaction/Adjustment
  • Current
  • Assets
  • Current
  • Uabllitles
  • Long-Term
  • Debt
  • Net Income

Enter the transaction/adjustment letter in the first column, and show the effect, if any, of each of the transactions/adjustments on the appropriate balance sheet category or on the income statement by entering the amount and indicating whether it is an addition ( +) or a subtraction (-). You may also write the journal entries to record each transaction/adjustment.

1. Wages of $768 accrued at the end of the prior fiscal period were paid this fiscal period.

2. Real estate taxes of $2,400 applicable to the current period have not been accrued.

3. Interest on bonds payable has not been accrued for the current month. The company has outstanding $360,000 of7.5% bonds.

4. The premium related to the bonds in part c has not been amortized for the current month. The current-month amortization is $70.

5. Based on past experience with its warranty program, the estimated warranty expense for the current period should be 0.2% of sales of $918,000.

6. Analysis of the company's income taxes indicates that taxes currently payable are $76,000 and that the deferred tax liability should be increased by $21,000.

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Finance Basics: Journal entries to record each transaction-adjustment
Reference No:- TGS01818519

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