
Journal article review assignment instructions

Assignment Task: Journal Article Review Assignment Instructions


The purpose of the Journal Article Review Assignment is to get you to begin to analyze recent and relevant research in your field. The journal article review is a way to dissect research conducted by scholars and experts. Solid, empirical research is the basis for a doctoral degree and should be regarded as having the utmost importance. The ability to read, interpret, critically analyze, and integrate content from an article to a problem is a hallmark of those graduating with a doctoral degree as you will be expected to publish, at least occasionally, once you finish your degree. 


In this assignment, you will critically review 1 recent peer-reviewed article per topic published in the last 7 years in a minimum of 5 pages.

1. The paper must follow current APA guidelines.

2. There should be a minimum of 2 references (the selected article and Snipes: Vold's Theoretical Criminology).

3. The page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material.

4. See the grading rubric for additional guidance.

5. You must follow the article focus prompt closely.

o The topic of the article must be related to managing or working with mentally ill offenders.

6. Microsoft Word is the only acceptable upload format.

At a minimum, your review should have 3 sections with headings.  Those three sections include:

  • the identification of the premise and supporting points of the article,
  • a synthesis of the article and the corresponding material in the textbook or a synthesis of the article with your personal experience with the topic, and
  • a critical evaluation of the premise(s) and supporting points of the article.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

You may wish to spend some time researching critical review techniques for journal articles prior to starting this assignment. At a minimum, you should pay particular attention to the identification the premise and supporting points of the article, a synthesis of the article with positivist school of criminology theories, and a critical evaluation of the premise(s) and supporting points of the article.

This was the feedback left from the last paper you did.

Hi Shaquanna, Good information! College essays are doublespaced. As I stated throughout the classroom, all information is paraphrased and cited. Including the Bible. Cutting and pasting words does not use critical thinking skills. I cannot give top credit for not paraphrasing. Follow AP formatting. To continue the learning, note the following. A major unanswered question is exactly how religion brings about conformity to social norms. Some contend that religious individuals are constrained toward obedience by fear of supernatural consequences that might be experienced while alive (Harris 2003) or anticipated for the afterlife (Burkett and White 1974; Jensen and Erickson 1979); and there is evidence consistent with this argument (Burkett 1993; Burkett and White 1974; Harris 2003). Others theorize that religious training helps people internalize moral commitments that motivate regulation of their own conduct to avoid feelings of guilt (Bandura 1977). Some evidence favorable to this idea is also available (Perrin 2000). Still others maintain that religious experience brings people together within networks of believers who mutually exercise informal social control and whose collective activities reduce the opportunities for misbehavior (Stark and Bainbridge 1996; Johnson et al. 2000). This 'community effect' contention has also enjoyed some support (Richard et al. 2000; Stark and Bainbridge 1996), Keep up the good work. Dr. Miller

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