Jot down your questions as you read and read with the idea

Visit the SEC's EDGAR site at Take the tutorial to familiarize yourself with how the site works, and then click on "Search for Company Filings." Input the name of a company with publicly traded stock of interest to you. Then click on the company's most recent annual report it filed with the SEC. Read the annual report in its entirety, including parts you don't understand. Jot down your questions as you read, and read with the idea that you are thinking of buying shares in that company. What information encourages you in that decision? What information raises questions or concerns? Go to the company's web site and check its online documents, news, updates, and the current status of its stock. Are you further encouraged? Why, or why not? Where can you go next to get data and commentary about the company as an investment opportunity?

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Finance Basics: Jot down your questions as you read and read with the idea
Reference No:- TGS02268700

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