
Jorge luis borges the garden of the forking paths is said

Writing Prompt for Essay

You will write an essay in class over ONE of the following prompts. You may do some brainstorming and prewriting before class, but do not write a final draft of this essay until you come to class.

I. Jorge Luis Borges "The Garden of the Forking Paths" is said to be similar detective fiction. Explain how this is fitting to this short story.

2. In Virginia Woolf's piece from A Room of One's Own, the following quote is found toward the end: " 'Sir, a woman's composing is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well, but are surprised to find it done at all' "(1333). Flow does this quote relate to the work as a whole?

3. Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis/is about change. Discuss the various changes that occur in the story. Be specific.

4. Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard is called a comedy. Explain how this is fitting to the play.

Include the author's name, the title, and your thesis statement in your first paragraph. Your supporting paragraphs need to begin with a topic sentence and not a quote.

Include parenthetical citations (only the page number) for each of your quotes, paraphrasing, and summary.

The Work Cited will appear as it appears below: Borges,Jorge Luis. "The Garden of the Forking Paths." The Norton Anthology: World

Literature, Eds. Martin Puchner et al. Vol. 2, Norton, 2013, 1337-1345. Chekhov, Anton. The Cherry Orchard. The Norton Anthology: World

Literature. Eds. Martin Puchner et al. Vol. 2, Norton, 2013, 922-960. Kafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis. The Norton Anthology: World

Literature, Eds. Martin Puchner et al. Vol. 2, Norton, 2013, 1204-1235. Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One's Own. The Norton Anthology: World

Literature. Eds. Martin Puchner ct al. Vol. 2, Norton, 2013, 1313-1335. This essay needs to be long enough to adequately explain your thesis.

Please write legibly with attention to details.

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