
Johnny continues to consume burgers and steaks his utility

Johnny continues to consume burgers and steaks. His utility function is

U(xB; xS) = xBxS. The price of burgers is $1, the price of steak is $2, and his income is $40 a day.

Remember Johnny, who was buying burgers and steaks? Johnny has 40 burgers and 5 steaks.

a) What is the level of Johnny's utility for the bundle (40,5)?

b) Write the formula for the indierence curve going through (40,5).

Donna oers to give Johnny 15 steaks if he will give her 25 burgers.

c) Would Johnny have a bundle that he likes better than (40,5) if he made this trade?

d) What is the largest number of burgers that Donna could demand from Johnny in return from 15 steaks if she expects him to be willing to trade or at least be indierent about trading?

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Business Economics: Johnny continues to consume burgers and steaks his utility
Reference No:- TGS01189240

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