
John spenkelink was the first person executed in florida

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Through obviously many who who commit criminal acts endeavor to escape blame, on some occasions prisoners insist they should be punished. In fact some who seem to be as much victim as criminal are strongest in their insistence that their criminal acts resulted from their own choices and that they are deserving of punishment. John Spenkelink was the first person executed in Florida after that state resumed capital punishment. He had idolized his father, but at age 11 he was the first to find his fathers body following his fathers suicide. From that time he became involved in a series of petty crimes, drifted around the South, and ultimately murdered a fellow drifter in an argument. Shortly before he was executed he asserted that; " Man is what he chooses to be. He chooses that for himself". Under the social contract model, why might one who commits a crime insist he deserves punishment.

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Dissertation: John spenkelink was the first person executed in florida
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