
John smithers case - what was the situation faced by

John Smithers Case -

The goal of this case is to help you understand how to manage change.  The case covers the topics of Management of Change and Organizational Culture.  Before you analyze the case, make sure to read the assigned readings.  If you understand what helps and hinders change, you can easily identify the mistakes that are made by various stakeholders in the case. The case also covers other topics that we have covered in the past which you should be familiar with already.  As always, remember to distinguish between facts, opinions and assumptions.

Make sure to read the three articles assigned.  They are very important for you to analyze the assigned case.  In case you find the article on Resistance to Change: The other side, watch my video (MGMT 631 Section 8 Resistance to Change) first and then make sure to read the article.  If you are able to understand the article, no need to watch my video.

Session 8:  Organizational culture, and the Management of Change

  • Chapter 17 - Managing Organizational Change
  • Ford, J. D., Ford, L. W., & D'Amelio, A. (2008). Resistance to change: The rest of the story.
  • Article: Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail. Kotter, John P. Harvard Business Review. Boston: Mar 1995. Vol. 73, Iss. 2; p. 59 (9 pages)
  • Case: John Smithers (individual - final exam): (Harvard packet) written assignment.

Please answer all questions.

1. What was the situation faced by Smithers in this assignment? Don't forget to discuss the environment faced by the company, unit etc (discuss the context).

2.  What forces in and outside the company are likely to push for change? What forces are likely to act as a hindrance to change?

3. Chronologically list the activities related to the change process. (Although you do not need to turn the response to this question to me, you will find it impossible to do the case even reasonably well if you do not do this for yourself.  Consider each step in the change process as it unfolds to identify where errors were made)

4. Discuss why things went wrong. Who was responsible? This is an important question - make sure to think broadly and consider various stakeholders to the change process.

5. Was Smithers effective? Discuss.

6.  What could Smithers have done differently? As in the past, provide specific actionable recommendations chronologically.

Textbook - Organizational Behavior & Management, Eleventh Edition by Robert Konopaske, John M. Ivancevich and Michael T. Matteson.

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