
John is a second grade student who on an achievement test

Question 1: When using assessment to inform treatment planning, counselors should be most concerned with:

a. Using primarily formal assessments to increase objectivity.

b. Gathering quality information and evaluating it using a scientific approach.

c. Using primarily informal assessments to gather thorough client data.

d. Gathering a large quantity of information to ensure that all domains of the client's life are evaluated.

Question 2 : Helms et al. (2005) assert that rather than using race to categorize assessment results, the construct of _________________ is more effective in explaining significant differences in assessment of cognitive abilities and other areas of psychological assessment.

a. Cultural preference.

b. Racial identity.

c. Gender identity.

d. Worldview.

Question 3 : John is a second grade student who, on an achievement test, received a grade equivalent score of 4.5 (fourth grade-fifth month) on the reading comprehension subtest. As a counselor, you would interpret this score as an indicator that John should be:

a. Skipped to the fourth grade.

b. Moved to a fourth grade classroom for his instruction in reading.

c. Tested for the gifted program, since he is doing fourth grade work.

d. The score could not be interpreted without examining how the instrument was developed.

Question 4 : What is one drawback of using the range as a measure of variability?

a. It is more difficult to calculate than standard deviation.

b. It can only be meaningfully interpreted by expert clinicians.

c. It is only useful in research applications.

d. It can be significantly influenced by extreme scores.

Question 5 : The Beck Depression Inventory-II has a reliability coefficient (coefficient alpha) of .92. Using classical test theory, interpret the meaning of this reliability coefficient.

a. The amount of error variance to observed variance is 92 percent.

b. The amount of true variance to observed variance is 92 percent.

c. The instrument has good enough reliability.

d. The instrument's validity coefficient would be .922 (or .92 squared).

Question 6 : Using the general guidelines of user qualifications of Level A, Level B, and Level C, a clinician who has a master's degree in counseling and has had a course in assessment in counseling would be qualified to use:

a. Level A instruments only.

b. Level A and Level B instruments.

c. Level C instruments only.

d. Level A, Level B, and Level C instruments.

Question 7 : If a counselor is working with a client from an ethnic minority group, he or she should:

a. Expect the client to have a lower-than-average intelligence score.

b. Expect the client to have a higher-than-average intelligence score.

c. Expect the client to do better on verbal items as compared to performance items.

d. Not conclude anything about the client's potential intelligence because there is significant variation within any ethnic group.

Question 8 : When interpreting a client's Strong Interest Inventory, the counselor should:

a. Focus on the Occupational Scales because they are the most reliable.

b. Move from general interests to more specific interests (for example, certain occupations).

c. Provide the profile to the client and answer any questions that might arise.

d. Start with the Occupational Scales and then move to the General Occupational Scales.

Question 9 : The empirical criterion keying method of constructing a personality inventory means items are selected based on:

a. Their content.

b. Their relationship to some external criterion.

c. Whether they correlate with other similar items.

d. Whether experts judge them to be acceptable items.

Question 10 : The assessment of couples and families has been influenced by the theoretical approach of many marriage and family therapists. This theoretical approach is:

a. Person-centered.

b. Adlerian.

c. Object Relations.

d. Systemic.

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