
Johari window model

Question 1:

a) “Organizations have to change only because changes in their external environments force them to change.” Discuss

b) What restraining forces may block the implementation of change programs? In brief exemplify your points.

c) What strategies might be employed in gaining acceptance for OD programme?

Question 2:

Discuss and describe the main sources of stress and job burnout and outline the policies for managing stress.

Question 3:

How can you use the ‘Johari Window Model’ as a tool to understand and interpret interpersonal communications?

Question 4:

Change strategies and OD intervention method follow from diagnosis. An unsuitable intervention due to a faulty diagnosis may be very costly to an organization as diagnosis is one of the most significant stages in the OD procedure.

Determine 5 warning signals an OD practitioner must be aware of while conducting a diagnosis in an organization and explain the precautions she or he should take to avoid the pitfalls of a faulty diagnosis.

Question 5:

Discuss and describe the future trends in OD with particular reference to macro-system trends.

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Other Management: Johari window model
Reference No:- TGS07381

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