
Job description and brief job analysis

Job description and brief job analysis 1. Discuss the use and need of selection systems in organizations in general(O’ Net.com). 2. Provide a narrative summary of the job you chose and the organization where this job exists. 3. Discuss the current selection system for this job (if there is one) and why there is a need for a better system. 4. Provide a list of the job duties (around 6-12) and an assessment of the importance of each. This information can be obtained from a current job description, interviews with incumbents and/or supervisors, and job duty ratings (such as on importance and frequency) provided by incumbents and/or supervisors. 5. Provide a discussion of the KSAOs required for these job duties, how they were determined (such as through O’NET and/or supervisor interviews) and if those KSAOs are needed on day one or can be trained.

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Reference No:- TGS01430736

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