
Job analysis project - once you have chosen the job you

Assignment - Job Analysis Project for Human Resource Management

Job Analysis Step by Step Guide

Between Feb 8th and Feb 13th of the course, you should identify a job you will analyze for this project. You can choose any job you want, it does not have to be HR specific. If you choose a manager you have to define what type of manager in what industry? If you choose a college professor, again you have to define what department and in what discipline as having the same title does not mean the same job. You can do this project individually or as a group. You can not have more than 3 people in a group.

You will also have to contact at least 3 people who are currently in this position and have been for at least 5 years. These people are referred to as Subject Matter Expects. You do not have to know them. They will serve as the funnel to your information about this job. They will in a sense tell you everything about this job, what is important and why. You will need to have to separate conversations with them. One will be an interview and the other will be a survey they complete.

Tasks necessary for Draft Part #1

Once you have chosen the job, you will need to research the position to develop a set of interview questions for your SME's. YOU WILL NOT ASK THE QUESTIONS YOU COME UP WITH UNTIL DRAFT #1 IS SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE INSTRUCTOR TO MOVE FORWARD. These questions will help you determine a Task List for the job description. You simply cannot Google the job and put the job description tasks in this paper. You have to develop thorough and intrusive questions that will give you insight to the position. Simply asking the SME what they do all day will not be sufficient. You will want to ask at least 15-20 questions. You can refer to the example papers for some guidelines. The more engaging your question the more information you will get in your answer. Asking a question of do you work with people is much different from what types of people do you work with and can you describe the relationships you have with them?

Draft # 1 will need to include who you are planning to contact, what the job title is, your 15-20 questions you plan to ask the SME's and finally the method in which you will be interviewing them (phone, face-to-face, etc).

Tasks necessary for Draft Part #2

Since you have already made contact with your SME's they will be expecting to hear from you at this point. You will hopefully be able to sit down with them face to face or over the phone (least choice is through email) and do the interview with your SME's (separately). Make sure you record the exact answers' as you will need to transcribe them for your paper. Using this information simultaneously with O*net (a government website with thousands of job descriptions) you will develop a task list and KSAO's (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities). These will need to be worded appropriately and must start with an action verb (Tasks only). Your interviews along with O*net will create your job description.

Using the Task List develop your criteria, survey and distribute to your SME's. This is the second and final interaction with the SME you will have. This does not have to be in person it can be done through Survey monkey or other online program. More information about this topic is listed below in the paper set up.

Analyze your survey data. You will need to determine the mean and standard deviation for each criteria you used in your survey. The results are extremely important for this analysis. See below for details and also example papers given.

Draft # 2 will need to include edits to draft # 1 along with your completed task list, KSAO's, etc. It will also need to include your survey and the analysis of the data.

Tasks necessary for Draft # 3

Once you have edits back from draft #2 you will begin the final completion of your job analysis paper. You will need to include executive summary, description of the organization, summary of the process for the job description, etc. (see example papers for a template, but DO NOT copy). Finally, you will take the survey data analysis and write the final part of your paper on how that survey data helps with all HR functions for this position (recruitment, selection, training, etc).

Outline/Write up of the Job Analysis Paper (A full rubric is at the bottom of this portion)

(1) Executive Summary- When the VP of HR from your client company looks at your job description, he/she will only have a few moments to review the document, and therefore you will need a summary of all the pertinent points of your job analysis. This should be provided in a ONE PAGE executive summary. It should briefly review the position, describe your methodology for conducting the job analysis, and give a brief description of your findings. This section should also overview the SME's, sources, and methods used to obtain the job information. By delineating the steps that were used to obtain the data, this portion also tells the reader what to expect and how the report is organized.

(2) Company (Corporation) and Position Overview- This is a section where the reader would become aware of the type of company or corporation this position will serve. It should be a well developed paragraph describing the main functions of the business this position would work for. The company can either currently exist or you can totally make it up. In addition you will give a brief overview of what position the job analysis is being conducted on in the report below (obviously this part cannot really be done until you are done with the analysis).

(3) Job Description- This should be a typical job description based on the results of your job analysis. This means you cannot develop a true job analysis until you have conducted your interviews. However, it will differ from most job descriptions in that the information that serves as the basis stems from a systematic job analysis. Your description should consist of two types of information. First, it should include information such as company name, job title, division, and classification. You can use a simple template found online for this. The other portion should be the duties performed, tasks, KSAO's, working conditions, supervision given/received, and job requirements.

(4) Job Analysis Summary- Details of the whole analysis process and how you came to your conclusions. SME's: Subject Matter Experts. These are the people you chose to interview about the position. They are usually in this position for at least 5 years. You will need to write a section briefly describing them. Methods: What method did you use for your job analysis? The answer is probably an interview. How did you decide on your SME's? Where did you derive the interview questions from? What are your interview questions? (They should be in an appendix and referenced here), if you used O*net address that in this section as well, how did you contact your SME's to interview them? Did you interview by email, in person, over the phone?

(5) Task List- The information you receive from the interviews along with O*net allows you to determine what your Tasks and KSAO's (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other) will be in your job description.

This is really the backbone of the study. These task statements are carefully constructed and wording is everything! It should be around 20-30 tasks in length. Remember: To obtain these tasks, interview each of your SME's to gather detailed information about the job (use a script). You can also utilize resources such as O*NET which is a government website with broad based tasks and descriptions for common positions. The outcomes of this process will give you tasks which you will turn into a task-rating questionnaire for your SME's to take as a survey and it then becomes your final task inventory.

(6) Survey- After you interview your SME's to determine the appropriate tasks and KSAO's for the position, you will need to survey them on the decided Task List to accurately define the position specifics. You will need to determine what areas of the position need to be surveyed and why. You can choose from the following or create your own but PLEASE refer to the example papers to see how the survey and such should look:

Use a rating scale 1-5 with 1 being most and 5 being least. Ask the SME's to rate all of the tasks you give them based on:

1. Importance of the task- How important do you think each task is for this position?

2. Frequency of the task- How frequent are each of these tasks being completed?

3. Performance of the task- How critical to the performance of the person doing the task is each one?

4. Time spent on the task- How would you rate the amount of time spent on each task.

5. The results of this information will allow you to give credibility to the analysis and assist with other HR functions.

(7) Results- After all SME's have completed the survey you will complete a round of statistics to determine each tasks' mean and standard deviation for each criteria you used (frequency, time spent, etc). You will need to display these in an appropriate chart/graph for your appendix (see example papers). The reason this is conducted is to determine what task (s) are in fact most important, most frequently used, etc. This information will give insight into the recruitment and selection procedure, training materials needed, performance appraisal determinants, etc. You will need to analyze the mean and standard deviation to find which tasks should be outlined in this section. You will briefly talk about the results. Again look at the example papers as a guide.

(8) Appropriate uses for Job Analysis information conducted- In this section based on the job you chose and the results, how does knowing these results help in any HR function of your choosing? For example, how does knowing the most important task for a Teacher is Leading students through lesson plans on a daily basis help with your selection process? It could mean knowing this information changes the way you select your teachers so that you are ensuring you are hiring a teacher who has this capability.

(9) Conclusion- Sum up the findings and important information found in the job analysis.

(10) Appendix and References- please make sure these are all included an in APA format.

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