
Jesus said blessed are you who are poor for the kingdom of

1-Provide a three to five sentence response to the question below.

Jesus said, "Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours." What do you think Jesus meant? Was he right? Why or why not?

2-Provide a three to five sentence response to the question below.

One could reasonably argue that our consumer culture presents us with a fantasy world, both in a positive sense of helping us imagine a new, better world, but also in a negative sense, of presenting us with an unrealistic view of things. Provide one example of how consumer culture presents us with fantasy, and explain how this is positive, negative, or both.

3-Provide a three to five sentence response to the question below.

Would you be willing to buy food or clothing at 10% more than the regular price to ensure it was made by workers who are treated and paid fairly? What about up to 50% more? Why or why not?

4-Provide a three to five sentence response to the question below.

Should a person spend money on luxuries when many people go without necessities? Why or why not?

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Dissertation: Jesus said blessed are you who are poor for the kingdom of
Reference No:- TGS02802486

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