What's Jennifer's Classification?
Jennifer is 15 years old and was arrested for prostitution. There is a record at protective services of involvement with the family because a relative sexually abused Jennifer and a sister. During intake at the local detention center, Jennifer's urine screen tested positive for marijuana. She reported that she began smoking cigarettes and using drugs and alcohol around age 11. When her family was contacted, they said Jennifer frequently runs away and had not been home for several days. Although Jennifer is enrolled in school, she is often truant and makes very poor grades. Jennifer has never been arrested before, but her parents did arrange for her to spend six months in a private treatment center. She claims her best friend is a 21-year-old male who is homeless and has a record of drug-related offenses. Jennifer's parents believed it was not best for her to return home, and she was placed in a non secure emergency shelter until her case is arraigned.