
Jen is earning her degree at the local community college

In personal finance

chapter 12 continuing case

Jen is earning her degree at the local community college and just got promoted to full time status at her work. She is now eligible to participate in the company's 401K plan. Her company will match her 401K contributions up to 6% of her pretax income but Jen is not sure she can do without 6% of her income since she is paying her way through college.

Jen knows you are taking a personal finance class and she asks you for help and advice. Her company uses fidelity funds for its 401k plan. Research the funds and make a reccomendation for Jen. Support your answer Be sure to look at historical performance, the expense ratio, the fund manager, and the morning star style box in considering which fund if any she should invest.

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Finance Basics: Jen is earning her degree at the local community college
Reference No:- TGS01495743

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