
Java program that creates a professorrating class

Below is the prompt given by my professor:

"Java program that creates a ProfessorRating class consisting of professor ID and three ratings. The three ratings are used to evaluate easiness, helpfulness, and clarity. The value for each rating is in the range of 1 to 5, with 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest.

Test this class in main() method by creating an instance of ProfessorRating, allow user to enter the value for each rating and display the overall rating.

Include appropriate constructors and getter/setter methods for each data member in ProfessorRating class. Do not allow the professor id to be changed after an object has been constructed.

Provide a method calcRating() to compute and return the overall rating average, and displayResult() method to display all ratings and the average rating formatted with no decimal point"

If someone can help me solve this and possibly give me tips on how these should be laid out, I would be very appreciative.

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Basic Computer Science: Java program that creates a professorrating class
Reference No:- TGS02773727

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