
Java application that defines a class boat - provide the

This is about a Java application that defines a class Boat. The Boat class should provide three fields/attributes:

1) name is a variable of type String,

2) sail position is a variable of type boolean,

3) speed is a variable of type float.

The Boat class must define a constructor and three methods: goFast, goSlow, whereIsTheSail.

goFast sets the position of the sail to true and increase the speed of the boat by 10 mph and prints the following text (BlueSea is the boat name):

BlueSea is raising the sail at the speed of 10 mph.

goSlow sets the position of the sail to false and decreases the speed of the boat by 5 mph and prints the following text:

BlueSea is lowering the sail at the speed of 5 mph.

whereIsTheSail prints the name of the boat and "sail is up" or "sail is down" depending on the sail position:

BlueSea sail is up.

Note: The boat speed should not exceed 100 mph (max speed is 100 mph) and cannot go below 0 mph.

Start out by writing a Java class Boat. Provide the methods described above. Create the main class (call it SimpleBoatMain) with a static main method (example provided below). Inside the main method we need a new instance of class Boat and then invoke the proper methods as shown below:

public class SimpleBoatApp {

public static void main (String[] args) {

Boat simpleBoat = new Boat("Destinty");









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JAVA Programming: Java application that defines a class boat - provide the
Reference No:- TGS02381128

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