Jason was being asked for sexual favors by his boss katrina

Jason was being asked for sexual favors by his boss, Katrina. She would force him to meet her outside work and would touch him inappropriately. She even promised him a promotion if he agreed to be sexually intimate with her. Jason reluctantly succumbed to Katrina’s demands and got a promotion. When he refused to engage in further sexual activity with Katrina, she fired him. Which of the following holds true in this scenario? A) Jason cannot file a claim for sexual harassment because he is a man, and workplace sexual harassment claims are normally made by women. B) Jason cannot file a claim for sexual harassment because he participated by being sexually intimate with her. C) Jason can file a claim for quid pro quo sexual harassment. D) Jason can only file a claim for hostile work environment sexual harassment. 

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Operation Management: Jason was being asked for sexual favors by his boss katrina
Reference No:- TGS02225587

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