
jar 21 supplemental type certificationjar 21 part


JAR 21 Part E introduces the need for Supplemental Type Certification when a manufacturer wishes to make major changes to the Type Design of an aircraft. 


Changes in Type Design are classified as minor and major.  A "minor change" is one that has no appreciable effect on the weight, balance, structural strength, reliability, operational characteristics, or other characteristics affecting the airworthiness of the product.  All other changes are "major changes". 

All changes (major and minor) must be approved in accordance with JAR 21 as appropriate, and must be adequately identified. 


a) The Authority will only accept an application for approval of a major change to a Type Design from the Type Certificate holder;  all other applicants for a major change to a Type Design must apply under Supplemental Type Certification (STC).

(b) Any person may apply for approval of a minor change to a Type Design. 


An application for approval of a change to a Type Design must be made in a form and manner acceptable to the Authority and must include: 

a) A description of the change identifying

1. All parts of the Type Design and the approved Manuals affected by the change, and: 

2. The requirements with which the change has been designed to comply in accordance and JAR 21. 

b) Identification of any re-investigations necessary to show compliance of the changed product with the applicable requirements. 

Minor Changes

Minor changes in a Type Design may be classified and approved either

a) Directly by the Authority;  or

b) Indirectly, through the use, by an appropriately approved design organisation, of modification procedures that have been agreed with the Authority. 

Major Changes

a) An applicant for approval of a major change must

3. Submit to the Authority substantiating data together with any necessary descriptive data for inclusion in the Type Design; 

4. Show that the changed product complies with applicable requirements, as specified in JAR 21. 

5. Declare that he has shown compliance with applicable requirements and must provide to the Authority the basis on which such a declaration is made;  and

6. Comply with JAR 21.

b) Approval of a major change in a Type Design is limited to that (those) specific configuration(s) in the Type Design upon which the change is made. 

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Applied Statistics: jar 21 supplemental type certificationjar 21 part
Reference No:- TGS0159961

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