
jack billingsley is an active and ambitious young

Jack Billingsley is an active and ambitious young OD consultant, and he has been revelling about being in the "big time, for the first time" during his present assignment. He has begun working with several division heads--the first-reports to a CEO--whom he has barely met.

One day, Jack received a call from the office of the CEO, out of the blue. "Fletcher would like to see you," he learned from a semi-familiar voice that Jack associated with one of the CEO's immediate aides, "and not only is sooner better than later, but immediately would be best of all."
Jack decided to provide the best, although that meant rescheduling some family business that he had planned. He was in Fletcher's anteroom within 90 minutes. He entered the inner sanctum 15 minutes later.

Fletcher got to the heart of the matter. "I have been pleased with your work with the division officers, and I'd like your help with one of them--specifically Bob."

To cut to the chase, Fletcher definitely saw Bob as moving into a staff role from his current line assignment, but Bob was resisting. Bob had concluded that reassignment to staff would put him in the "engine room" of the organization, and he announced to Fletcher that he would not accept the move, period.

Fletcher had decided to persist, but to do so indirectly through Jack. "Please talk to Bob," he requested, "and get him to see the realities of how the shift will be good for both him and the organization, and especially for him."

A few exchanges followed, but they were brief and did not change the original message. So, Jack responded with a studied recap of what he had read in many books and heard in consultant shoptalk. "It sounds like you and Bob have some important matters to discuss, one-on-one. Of course, I'll be pleased to sit in as a third person, a facilitator. But this appears to be one-on-one business."

Fletcher looked down at his desk and replied in a measured tone, "Jack, your comments are neither responsive nor helpful."

Please respond to Fletcher quickly and confidently. What do you say?

What do you predict about the consequences of your possible response, both short-term and long-term? Distinguish at least two cases.

- For example, you might say, "I'm sorry you reacted negatively, Fletcher. But I don't see my role that way."

- Or you might say, "On quick second thought, I misspoke myself. I'll get to Bob as soon as he is available."

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Business Management: jack billingsley is an active and ambitious young
Reference No:- TGS0481692

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