
Iyour view how could clara incorporate corporate social


You have been approached by Clara, a friend of yours who enjoys baking pies for family and friends for special occasions. She thinks there might be a market for her pies that is much larger than lust these few people. While she is very good at creating new recipes and turning them into delicious pies, she also knows that she doesn't know enough about marketing to turn her hobby into a viable business. You, on the other hand, are currently studying marketing at WelTec. That means you are familiar with the latest marketing theories and trends. Clara has asked you for advice about how "marketing" can help her with her idea.


1. Clara has so far only been interested in creating recipes and baking pies. Explain to her why she really needs "marketing". Your explanation needs to cover each of the 4 Ps and clearly demonstrate the relationships between them.

2. When she has only been making one or two pies at a time, Clara really hasn't had to worry about ethical issues. Now that you are talking to her about making and selling many pies to a much wider market, she needs to take this topic seriously. Demonstrate three was that Clara can ensure her new business is setting and maintaining high ethical standards.

3. In your view, how could Clara incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into her business and marketing activities? Your answer needs to clearly demonstrate the benefits to her and to the wider community otter doing this.

Assume that sales of Clara's pies have gone so well in her first six months of trading that she has now had to employ staff to help manufacture and distribute her pies. She has gone from being one person doing something she loves in her spare time to having an organization she is responsible for.

4. In your view, what are the two most important internal environmental factors that will affect the organization's marketing efforts? Your answer needs to make it clear why each of these is so important.

5. For each of the internal environmental factors you have identified, you need to advise Clara how she could deaf with a change in that factor. Each change needs to be dearly identified and described as either negative or positive in its effect on the business.

6. In your view, what are the two most important external environmental factors that will affect the organization's marketing efforts? Your answer needs to make it clear why each of these is so important.

7. For each of the external environmental factors you have identified, you need to advise Clara how she could deal with a change in that factor. Each change needs to be clearly identified and described as either negative or positive in its effect on the business.

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Marketing Management: Iyour view how could clara incorporate corporate social
Reference No:- TGS01241716

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