
Iwbs001 - develop all html and css code using notepad or a

Web Systems

Create a personal web site based on the following requirements.

You should develop all HTML and CSS code using notepad or a similar text based editor, use of Frontpage, DreamWeaver or other Web development software is not permitted.


Create your personal web site that includes at least the following three pages:
- A Home page (Providing general information about yourself)
- A web page that briefly introduces your home town (the place/city/area where you were born).
- A web page about one of your favourite activities that you would like to share with others.

Detailed Requirements

(a) The Home page focuses on you and as such must contain:
- Your photo, name and student id.
- Some information about yourself as what you want others to know about you. This information may be presented by texts, images and video clips.
- Hyperlinks to your UTS email address and other two pages.

You must include sections of text and images/animations that are formatted using Cascading Style Sheets. This contents could present your education/employment background, hobbies, sporting activities, or any other topic you like to tell others about yourself. The content can be factual or fabrication. The aim of this section is for you to demonstrate your skills of presenting/organising web page contents and CSS competence.Therefore you must include the following CSS as a minimum:
- An external CSS style sheet file that contains at least
o A style that formats all paragraph tags
o A generic class definition that is used somewhere on the web pages
o A class that is specific to a particular tag
o A class to format anchor tag hyperlinks (hover event).
This CSS file must be linked to the home page.
- Embedded style that defines at leastthe following
o An id selector that applies to font tag
o A contextual style
- Multiple In-line styles
- A class to format anchor tag hyperlinks (hover event)

(b) The HomeTown page must include sections of texts describing the place, such as the location, people, scenery, culture, food, etc., with some pictures showing the beauty of the place. It should have some links to Internet web sites where further information about the place can be obtained. It should be specific to a place, such as a city, town, village or an area, but not just about a country in general. It must have the links to other two pages. The external CSS styles file used for the home page should be applied to this page as well.

(c) The Activity page contains the text that describes the activity, the reasons why you like it, and the advantages/profits that you think it would bring. Images and/or animations should be used to make it more attractive and interesting. Reference links to Internet websites are required. It must have the links to other two pages. Define your own embedded CSS styles to decorate the page. The minimum requirements for CSS styles are:

- At least one selector for two or more tags
- At least one selector for a class
- At least one contextual style (CSS style applied to a tag within another tag)
- An hover style applied to tag
- All the above defined styles must be applied to the contents of the web page.

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: Iwbs001 - develop all html and css code using notepad or a
Reference No:- TGS02604896

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