Ivory was much in demand for production of a variety of jewellery and artifacts in the past. Reptile leather from crocodiles, lizards and snakes has quite a high demand for manufacture of sh oes and fancy goods. Furs from the felix (i.e. cat) family for export are obtained from many species including the leopard, lynx, ocelot, little spotted cat, margay and the leopard cat (Felis bengalensis ). There is high demand for these skins from Europe and Japan, although the overall market demand for these items has decreased due to the reduced popularity of furs as fashion items.
Bird feathers and some primate skins (e.g. black and white colobus) are used as items of adornment in many parts of the world, sometimes to indicated status of hierarchy. The skins of the black and white monkey (Colobus guereza) are used to make cloaks and head dresses for native people, and they are in demand for production of rugs and coats for the international trade.