
iupac system - nomenclature of organic

IUPAC system - Nomenclature of organic compounds

To rationalise the system of naming, as an International Congress of Chemists was held in Geneva in year 1892. They adopted specific uniform rules for naming the compounds.

The system of nomenclature was termed as Geneva system. As then the system of naming has been enhanced from time to time by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and the new system is known as IUPAC system of naming. This type of system (IUPAC) of nomenclature was first introduced in the year 1947 and was modified from time to time. The very exhaustic rules for nomenclature were first published in the year 1979 and later revised and updated in the year 1993. With the assistance of IUPAC system, an organic compound having any number of carbon atoms can be simply named.

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Chemistry: iupac system - nomenclature of organic
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