
Its a part of research project that you need to submit a

Research Proposal - How does family situation affect children's education?

Research Question

Children learn from their parents and parents instill education related hope and excitement in their offspring (Sclafani, 2004). Therefore, it is important to learn how a family can influence the learning outcomes of children. To meet the research aims and objectives, the study will answer the following question: How does family situation affect children's education.

It's a part of research project that you need to submit a Do-File of STATA.

Research topic is: How does family situation affect children's education.

The dependent variable here is the level of children's education. The independent variables are the parents' education level, marital status of parents, the income of parents, and the living province.

All these variables are need to come from the General Social Survey 2007 (GSS), which will provide.

And also provide the GSS data dictionary where you can find the meaning of the data that you need.

In the Do-File, please provide the details as much as you. You need to create the dummy variables and run the regression.


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Applied Statistics: Its a part of research project that you need to submit a
Reference No:- TGS01698542

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