IP Addressing:
1. What are the IPv4 address classes and why do we need the classes?
2. What is an IP network and what is an IP sub-network or subnet?
3. What is subnet mask and why do we need subnet mask?
4. What is the size of a subnet denoted with a. /16 (e.g.
b. /17:
c. /18:
d. /19:
e. /20:
f. /21:
g. /22:
h. /23:
i. /24:
j. /27:
k. /28
l. /29:
m. /30:
5. Subnet the following IP network: 172.1xy.0.0 (xy is two last digits of your student id) to accommodate 5 subnets, each subnet will subsequently have 400, 100, 50, 30 and 10 PCs. Place your subnetting plan here:
Answer the following questions, each question is 1 mark.
6. What is a routing metric?
7. What is the difference between static routing and dynamic routing?
8. What is the difference between distance-vector routing and link-state routing?
Complete the following tasks:
9. Design IP plan for the network
10. Configure IP address for the PC and server
11. Configure static routing for the network
12. Configure RIPv2 for the network
13. Configure OSPF for the network
14. Show the routing table of each router
15. Show the network connectivity pinging from PC0 to Server0
You are hired by VIT to implement the network given in the diagram below.
The company has been allocated the following IPv4 address block to use: 172.1XY.0.0/20 (XY is the last two digits of your student ID).
To perform the task, you have to prepare the following documents:
a. IPv4 addressing plan
b. Write down the configuration command in Branch C router to statically route all traffic to HQ router
c. Write down the configuration commands to enable IPv4 RIPv2 routing in HQ router.