
Ithe process capable of producing components that meet

Part 1-Control Chart for Proportion Defective

Control Chart for Proportion Defective. Chic Clothing is an upscale mailorder clothing company selling merchandise to successful business women. The company sends out thousands of orders five days a week. In order to monitor the accuracy of its order fulfillment process, 200 orders are carefully checked every day for errors. Initial data for 24 days is shown below when the order fulfillment process was thought to be "in control."


1. Clear data in P-chart spreadsheet
2. Calculate fraction defects below
3. Calculate mean fraction defective -- enter in P-chart spreadsheet
4. Enter obserbations per sample in P-chart spreadsheet Control limits now established...
3. Enter new data in P-chart spreadsheet and track

Part 2-Control Chart for Defective per Unit

Control Chart for Defective per Unit. Dave's is a restaurant chain that employs independent evaluators to visit its restaurants as secret shoppers to the asses the quality of service. The company evaluates restaurants in two categories, food quality, and service (promptness, order accuracy, courtesy, friendliness, etc.) The evaluator considers not only his/her order experiences, but also evaluations throughout the restaurant. Following are the results of one evaluator's 20 visits to one particular restaurant over a four month period. The data show the number of "defects" shown in the service category.


1. Clear data in C-chart spreadsheet
2. Calculate mean number of defects below -- enter in C-chart spreadsheet Control limits now established...
3. Enter new data in C-chart spreadsheet and track

Part 3- Process Capability

Process Capability. Venture Electronics manufactures a line of MP3 audio players. One of the components manufactured by Venture and used in its players has a nominal output voltage of 8.0 volts. Specifications allow for a variation of plus or minus 0.6 volts. An analysis of current production shows that mean output voltage for the component is 8.054 volts with a standard deviation of 0.192 volts. Is the process "capable: of producing components that meet specification? What fraction of components will fall outside of specification? What can management do to improve this fraction?


1. Enter upper and lower specification limits in Cpk spreadsheet
2. Enter mean and standard deviation of actual voltages
3. Read capability index number
4. Read percent outside of specification limits.

Attachment:- Live_Demonstration_of_Statistial_Process_Control_Charts.xls

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Corporate Finance: Ithe process capable of producing components that meet
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