You must use either for or while to solve the following problems.
a. Iterate through a vector, A, using a for loop and create a new vector, B, containing logical values. The new vector should contain true for positive values and false for all other values.
For example, if

b. Iterate through the vector, A, using a while loop and return a new vector, B, containing true for positive values and false for all other values.
c. Iterate through a logical array, N, using a for loop and return a new vector, M, containing the value 2 wherever an element of N is true and the value -1 (not a logical value) wherever N is false. For example, if
N = [true false false true true false true] the result should
be M = [2 -1 -1 2 2 -1 2]
d. Iterate through an array, Z, using a while loop. Replace every element with the number 3 until you reach a number larger than 50. Leave the rest unchanged. For example, if
Z = [4 3 2 5 7 9 0 64 34 43], after running your script,
Z = [3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 34 43]