
Itech2003 web design - identify explain and apply the

Assignment: Website Development


In this second assignment, you are required to develop your personal website from scratch, based on the design document that you created in Assignment 1. You should avoid the mistakes made by the competition from your competitive analysis. The requirements for building the website are listed further below.

Timelines and Expectations

Minimum time expectation: 20 hours

Learning Outcomes Assessed
The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:

- Recognise the importance of user analysis, content organisation, interface design, interface usability and the accessibility issues associated with multimedia and web design;
- Identify, explain and apply the design principles that underlie good multimedia and webpage design, from both a visual & content design perspective.


- Demonstrate the appropriate use of visual and content design tools, and multimedia and web authoring software;
- Develop a sophisticated web site from scratch, using information gathering and design techniques.

- Select appropriate design principles to design multimedia products and web pages that are align with project expectations;
- Operate appropriate software packages to build multimedia products and web pages that are align with project expectations.
- Appreciate ethical behaviour in relation to multimedia and web page design, in particular issues related to copyright.

Semester Overview

This semester you are required to design and develop a Personal Website that is:
- About yourself and your career ambitions;
- Small, unique and professional in appearance;
- A portfolio of your achievements; and
- A showcase to future potential employers.

This task runs the entire semester and is broken down into two assignments and one in-class assessment.

Assessments Overview

Assignment 2 Details

In this second assignment, you are required to develop your personal website from scratch, based on the design document that you created in Assignment 1. You should avoid the mistakes made by the competition from your competitive analysis. The requirements for building the website are listed below.

All of the labs this semester are designed to help you with this assignment; learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Do not discount their potential to assist with parts of developing this website. For an overview of what each lab contains, please click on Moodle's "Content" section at the top of this Moodle course.

Website Overall Requirements
This website has a number of requirements which are detailed in the table below; you should adhere to these requirements when working on your assignments.

General Requirements
- You must not use any existing complete templates, or frameworks that assist such as bootstrap.
o You will receive a ZERO score for the global website design, HTML and CSS marking criteria if you do so, and may even be considered as plagiarism.
- You are expected to create your website by yourself hand-coding HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
o (Lab and lecture materials and resources can be used to help you with your website, BUT your design should be your own, not for example the design/layout of lab exercise.)
- You may not develop the website using server-side scripting languages, such as PHP, ASP, etc.
- Your design should focus on design rules learned during this course such as
o Rules of good visual design;
o Usability guidelines related to Colour, Typography, Placement of objects, Readability and Balance.
o A solid understanding of the use of other elements such as; contrast, white space, layout, focal point, alignment, proximity, etc.
- All text should follow the rules of writing for the web, including appropriately "chunked" content, use of Plain Language and the "Inverted Pyramid" style of writing.
- Images, sound, and other media file sizes optimised for download and display.
- Well-designed unique and creative websites will be awarded appropriately.


- All html files must begin with the declaration, to indicate HTML5 adherence.
- The structure of your website should be built using HTML5 tags styled with CSS where applicable:


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