Assignment - Vending Machine
Assignment Part 1 Details - Class Design
Product Properties (All)
Product Properties (Key)
Product Class Diagram
Vending Machine Class Diagram
Assignment Part 2 - Activity Flowchart
Assignment Part 3 - Software Implementation
Assignment Part 4 - Code Explanation and Use
1a Identification of properties of a typical vending machine Product.
1b Application of abstraction to identify key properties of a typical vending machineProduct as well as creation of a suitable Class Diagram.
1c Identification of the key properties of a VendingMachine as well as creation of a suitable Class Diagram which uses those properties, plus the five method signatures provided.
2 Creation of an activity flowchart which clearly indicates how the program should operate, using the correct symbols for elements such as start/end points, processes and decisions/branches
3 Programming of the product vending machine simulation so that it:
i) Creates a small number of Product instances that may be purchased,
ii) Accepts ‘virtual money' to pay for products (you must pay enough to cover the cost of the items you will be buying)
iii) Accepts selection of a Product to identify it (including refusal to identify products which do not exist),
iv) Adds a selected Product to the VendingMachine list of products purchased,
v) Allows the purchase of multiple products,
vi) Prints a final receipt of the products purchased, along with the total cost, total paid and any change given.
4a Analysis and documentation via code comments of the two functions provided.
4b Incorporation of the two functions provided into your main submission so that the program does not crash when an illegal money value is provided, and also virtually ‘bags up' the products purchased. + 1 for actually using the functions.
Attachment:- Assignment Template.rar