
Itech 5500 professional research and communication -


In this assignment you will be given a topic to research and will need to provide an in-depth analysis of how it applies to you. The topic is "Self-Efficacy".

Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:

S1. Utilise effective communication practice in organisations.

S2. Demonstrate expert English language skills in academic and professional contexts.

S3. Evaluate the quality and utility of literature sourced.

S4. Undertake a literature review for an organisational IT research project.

A1. Compose a research proposal and report on a topic related to an organisational IT research project. A2. Present written and oral reports to academic and organisational audiences.

Assessment Details

This assignment is broken up into two parts
- Part A - This can be done individually or in pairs

- Part B - Must be done individually

Part A

This section can be done individually or in pairs. If you work in pairs clearly identify the person that you worked with.

Each group is to submit an essay of 1500 to 2000 words. Your essay should be about the topic of selfefficacy and should include

- An abstract
- Introduction

- A section (no more than 500 words) on what self-efficacy is. You should include a description of self-efficacy, why it is considered important, how it differs from efficacy and the major factors that contribute to self-efficacy. Include anything else you think is relevant to this topic.

- A section (no more than 750 words) on research into self-efficacy on a topic of your choice. For example, there is research on self-efficacy and nursing, sports, business, IT, rock-climbing and many other topics. You should find at least four academic papers on your particular topic and provide a literature review. This review should be more than just a summary of each paper - it should be a synthesis of the most important parts and how they relate. Some things you might look at are o How the research questions compare o What the motivations of the researchers were o What type of research they conducted o Anything else of interest

- A conclusion which summarises what you've written. It should include your opinion, based on your findings, on whether self-efficacy is a topic that should be explicitly taught in schools

- A reference section in APA style

Please remember that you must NOT include large slabs of text from the papers you read. Most of the essay should be in your own words.

Part B - Individual (250 words maximum)

This section must be done individually. Provide a personal account of your own thoughts about self-efficacy. Do you feel that there are occasions in which low self-efficacy has stopped you attempting things or achieving goals? Suggest ways in which you might explicitly improve your own self-efficacy in a topic that's important to you.

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