
Itc504 interface useability - charles sturt university -

Task - Interface Useability


Your assignment is to develop the design for the Local Farm Shop Mobile App. This design is to be a wireframe only design, at this stage.

The Local Farm Shop case study is located in Interact Resources. You need to read this case study before starting this assessment item.


1. Select the design produced by you.

2. Indicate the reason why this design was chosen.

3. Create a set of wireframes for the Mobile App design.

This set should show:

  1. Wireframes for all pages in the Mobile App. This should also include a rudimentary payments page, even though this will probably be supplied by a payments processing firm at a later stage. This page will just act as a placeholder for the final page;
  2. All screen components for each page;
  3. Navigation between pages, such as buttons, breadcrumb trails, etc.;
  4. General placement for all items on each page. This can be in the form of a template where, for example, a table could be used to show a picture of an item, the description, the size, the artist, the price, etc.;
  5. Help functions for users,
  6. A description of the navigation path that a user would take through the Mobile App.

4. Create a click-through prototype of your wireframes using Balsamiq Mockups

5. Links in presentation mode. When the links in your presentation mode mockup are working correctly, then export your presentation to PDF.

Write a Word document (.doc or .docx) that summarises all the design

6. decisions for your design. The document should also indicate the reasons for decision.

Indicate in your forum site, the reasoning behind your design decisions.

Attachment:- Local Farm Shop Case Study.rar

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: Itc504 interface useability - charles sturt university -
Reference No:- TGS02886848

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