
It401 assignment - write a program called checkpass which

Q1. which of the following is syntactically incorrect? and Why?

int x = 5, y = x; String m1 = "ABc", m2 = m1; String m3 = new String("AbC");
a. if( x.equals(y) )

b. if( m1=m2)

c. if( m2==m3 )

d. if ( x==y )

e. if( m1=null )

f. if( m1.equals(m3) )

g. If( m1.equals(m2)

Q2. What is the output of following questions.

A.int x 5, y 0, z -2;

if(x<0 SS (y<2 II z>2) )
System. out .println("A");
else if(x>0 (y<2 II z>2))
System. out sprintln("8"):
else if(x>0 && (y<2 && z>2))
System. out .println("C");



int x = -1, y = 3, z = -2;
if(x<0 && (y<2 II z>2) )
System. out .print("A");
else if(x>0 && (y<2 II z>2))
System. out .print("8");
else if(x>0 it (y<2 && z>2))
System. out. print("C");


int i;
int sum=o; for(i=0; i<5 ;i++)
System.out.println("Sum is " + sum); System.out.println("last value of i is + i);


if (yif(z==y)
System. out.println("A");

Q2.2. Given the code:

what is the output in each of the following cases? a. x=6, y=0, z=0
b. x=2, y=-1, z=-2

c. x=-1, y=-2, z=-2

d. x=0, y=-2, z=-2

e. x=3, y=-1, z=-1

Q3.Convert the following for loop into a while loop.

int sum = 0;
for (int i = 10; i > 10; i--) sum = sum + I;

Q4. Write a program called CheckPass which read the mark from user in double and prints "PASS" if the mark is more than or equal to 60; or prints "FAIL" otherwise.

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