On first April, 2011 the capital records of A, B and C remained at Rs. 30,000, Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 10,000 separately. They shared benefits and misfortunes similarly. Benefit and Loss represent the year finished 31 March, 2011 uncovered a net benefit of Rs. 12, 000 which was exchanged to capital records of the accomplices just as.
It was chosen in April 2011 that benefits ought to be disseminated just as in the wake of permitting hobbies on capital @ 6%per annum with impact from first April, 2010. While experiencing the books of record for 2010-11 it was found that repair charges for An's own bike adding up to Rs. 90 had been charged to Repairs Account.
Demonstrate the diary sections important to change the present record of the accomplices.