
It so happens that only two milling machines can be spared

An emergency situation has occurred in the milling department because the ship carrying a certain quantity of a required part from an overseas supplier sank on Friday evening.A certain number of machines in the department must therefore be dedicated to the production of this part during the next week. A total of lOOO ofthese parts must be produced, and the production cycle time per part e t6.0 min. Each milling machine used for this emergency production job must first he set up, which takes 5.0 hr. A scrap rate of 2% can he expected.

(a) If the production week consists of 10 shifts at 8.0 hr/sbift.how many machine" will he required?

(b) It so happens that only two milling machines can be spared [or this emergency job,due to other priority jobs in the department. To cope with the emergency situation, plant management has authorized a three-shift operation for 6 days next week. Can the 1000replacement parts be completed within these constraints?

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Business Management: It so happens that only two milling machines can be spared
Reference No:- TGS02868931

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