Write a letter, post-dated for April 30, 2013. "Dear Joel, I got my A because..."
It should outline what you learned, what you did, and how you changed as a person. ADDITIONALLY - Attach an extra page with a self-evaluation and brief explanation (a few sentences will be sufficient) of why you believe your self-given grade to be accurate based on the rubric below.
Some notes to help you out:
- All past tense; no "I hope..", "I intend to..", etc.
- It could be "thank you" style or "journal" style.
- Accomplishments are okay, but we're particularly interested in the PERSON you have become.
- What did you learn through the course?
- How did you change as a person?
- What choices have you made?
- Fall in love with that person you're writing about. It can be your "best" self.