
It should demonstrate an understanding of the problem

Project - Business and User Requirements Document Draft

Project Overview

Throughout the course you will build a plan for delivering an EHRS system to a healthcare facility. This plan will cover several of the phases of the project lifecycle, from establishing business requirements to planning what will be required to support and maintain the system once it is up and running.

In order to complete this project, click on the link below to review and print the Good Apples Group Case. This document describes the Good Apples Group facility, the way they do business, and the need they have for an EHRS. Each component of the project is based on the needs of the Good Apples Group. You will be building a plan for delivering an EHRS system to Good Apples Group.

  • Good Apples Group EHRS Project Case

There are individual assignments along the way. The module they are due is noted in the time line below.

Time Line






Business and User Requirements Draft (Course Project Part 1)


Project Plan Draft (Course Project Part 2)


Data Retention Draft (Course Project Part 3)


Support and Maintenance Requirements Draft (Course Project Part 4)


Final Course Project Due (Parts 1-4)


Your final paper must 10 - 20 pages long. It should demonstrate an understanding of the problem expressed in the Good Apples Group case, and should present valid, accurate recommendations in each section. The final paper should incorporate feedback from your instructor on all the individual assignments, and should be free of grammatical or spelling errors.

The final paper will consist of:

  • Cover Page
  • Business and User Requirements Section
  • EHR Project Plan Section
  • Data Retention Plan Section
  • Support and Maintenance Requirements Section


Each assignment leading up to the final assignment is evaluated and graded independently. Your instructor will provide specific grading criteria for each step of the project prior to its due date. The assignment you are working on now is part one of the overall assignment.

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Computer Engineering: It should demonstrate an understanding of the problem
Reference No:- TGS01389962

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