
It seems as if everyone i now has a computer or cellphone

Determine whether the followin passages contain arguments and if they do identify the conclusion

1. It seems as if everyone I now has a computer or cellphone. The electronics industry is making better and better products each year.

2. There is biological evidence that the genetic characteristics for nonviolence have been selected over time by speicies, and the height and weight of humans have increased over the centuries.

3. Income tax revenues help pay for many important social programs and without that money some of the progras would have to be eliminated. If this happens many adults and children will suffer needlessly. That is why everyone, individuals and corporations, should not chear on their income taxes.

4. Jokes of the proper kind, properly told, can do mre to enlighten questions of politics, philosophy, and literature than any number of dull arguments.

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Operation Management: It seems as if everyone i now has a computer or cellphone
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