It might be easiest to write this paper by picking an event

Based on your readings and the presentation for this module, think about whether you think cognition or emotion is most important to understanding and predicting human behavior.

In 1 to 2 pages (1" margins all around, 12-point Times New Roman font, APA format, with a title page and a reference page), outline which you think occurs first when a person responds to an event: cognition or emotion.

It might be easiest to write this paper by picking an event to talk through how a person would respond. Be sure to express the possible limitations of your argument - be self-critical.

Also, be sure to reference your Hunt book in the paper. You can use additional sources but do not use Wikipedia as a source.

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Dissertation: It might be easiest to write this paper by picking an event
Reference No:- TGS01472221

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