
It is up to you to produce a professional business report

Problem: This assignment creates a situation where you have to do research about a country- this is typically what an MNC has to do when considering whether to set up trade links with a foreign partner or invest in another country.

Your company plans to export products or to invest (FDI) in New Zealand. Would you recommend exporting/investing to this market? Why/why not? Highlight the pros and cons of exporting/investing to this market in your answer.

Your answer will be based around but not limited to the following:

  • Identify the country and industry of your company.
  • Identify goods/services that you are offering.
  • What strategy in the 2x2 matrix of international strategies (pp.452-459), if any, best suits your company?
  • What entry mode would you suggest for the company?
  • Why this is the right country for you to export to, to invest in, or to work with?
  • What considerations should the firm have in choosing the location of its subsidiary(ies)? Why?
  • What HR approaches, if any, would you pursue, where do you find workforce, justify your choice.

It is up to you to produce a professional business report with references (APA or Harvard Style) relying on various industry, company, country reports available freely or at cost.

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Business Management: It is up to you to produce a professional business report
Reference No:- TGS02944862

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