It is time to assign a workforce along with a marketing

Question: It is time to assign a workforce along with a marketing strategy to your plan. At the end, a presentation generally concludes with a look ahead, so that will be the last portion of the plan.

Create a 5-7 slides presentation using the speaker's notes section for your content and the slides for presentation purposes. Include the following information:

1) Create a Marketing Plan

i. Concentrate on the changes you will need to make for global promotion efforts. Can any of the current marketing efforts be kept? What type of marketing does your chosen global market respond to? What will not work well in your market that may work for your domestic marketing plan?

2) Create a Human Resources Plan

i. How will you handle staffing and recruitment activities? Turnover?

ii. How will you address the differences with Global HR needs?

3) Conclusion forecasting what's next

Your presentation should be proofread for spelling and grammar. Your presentation slides should be concise.

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Marketing Management: It is time to assign a workforce along with a marketing
Reference No:- TGS02339704

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