
It is there because someone did it and sued the company for

Answer question in your words.

1. Sexual harassment claims continue to be a big problem for employers too. Many states now mandate regular sexual harassment trainings. Do you think that sometimes people may not know that their actions or conduct can be classified as sexual harassment?  Anyone? Is ignorance of the law an excuse?

2. We have had many laws passed over the last 10 years designed to promote ethical conduct by businesses and more important to impose criminal liability on them for violating ethical laws. Does it seem strange to have to legislate ethical conduct?  What does that say about us as a society? 

3. Social media is a large part of our lives these days. Businesses use this a lot too. Does this open them up to potential tort claims?  What about defamation? Can a business get in trouble by posting things about others on their sites?

4. Have you ever read a warning on a product and wondered why it is on the product? It is there because someone did it and sued the company. For example: "do not  swallow" on a bottle of shampoo. Can anyone provide another example of a strange warning they have seen? Time and time again companies are held liable for actions of consumer.

5. The famous McDonald's coffee case really did a lot in terms of holding business accountable. The customer purchased the coffee through the drive through and then placed the coffee between her legs to hold it while in the car. It wound up spilling all over her lap. She filed a claim for product liability claiming that the product was defective because it was too hot. If this was indeed held to be a defect the company would automatically be liable.  However, what about contributory negligence? Shouldn't she have known this was not a good idea and shouldn't she bear some personal responsibility for her injuries?

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Mathematics: It is there because someone did it and sued the company for
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