
it is the ultimate goal in tqm and thus forms

IT is the ultimate goal in TQM and thus forms the focal element in TQM.

The company should exceed the customer expectations and make him delighted. This means giving the customers more than he ever throught possible TQM aims at satisfying customers requirements which never remain constant but keep on changing with the change in times environment, circumstances, needs fashion standard of living etc. Customers satisfaction has several dimension such as :

1. Suitability ( Fitness for use).

2. Reliability ( IT should give efficient and consistent performance).

3. Durability the life aspect of quality.

4. Safe and foolproof workability.

5. Maintainability.

6. Aesthetic look.

7. Good packaging.

8. Versatility ( IT should serve number of purposes).

9. After sales service and support to customer.

10. Variety in products and services .

11. Customers information and training demonstration / consulting.

12. Speed of service ( quick response time).

13. Civility of service at all levels.

14. Affordability ( Economical )

15. Value for money spent by customer.

16. Good image of the company and customers confidence in the organization based on past experience.

Initially the organization must identify and define the customers in terms of internal external short term long term end users intermediate users product/ service user and their categories as industrial consumer their buying capabilities and locations. After identifying the customers their needs and requirements should be established and defined. The organization should then establish its quality policies code of conduct legislation etc, legislation etc. Keeping in view the defined customers requirements.

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Project Management: it is the ultimate goal in tqm and thus forms
Reference No:- TGS0207788

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