It is the political theory of the united states that

1. True  False  Politicians are always truthful to the public, even if it means they  lose votes.

2. True  False  The U.S. government does not always consult all  citizens prior to enacting a public policy or law.

3. True  False  Equality of opportunity in a democracy does not always guarantee equality of outcomes or conditions.

4. True  False  Most of society's institutions, such as the workplace, are not  democratic.

5. True  False  The first Ten Amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, prohibited ownership of slaves.

6. True  False  The masses can exercise political power by boycotts and riots.

7. True  False  It is the political theory of the United States that private property rights are protected, government should be limited and individual freedoms are guaranteed.

8. True  False  A "level playing field" can offset distortions of democracy caused by rule by the elite.

9. True  False  The "People", referred to in the Constitution when drafted in 1787,  referred to people at all levels of society.

10. True  False  Believers in "elite theory" contend elites govern all countries, regardless of the dominant political ideology.

11. True  False  Elites in the U.S. hold high positions in most institutions and the government.

12. True  False  Elites become concerned about disaffiliation from politics by the masses, since then the masses may stop complying with laws.

13. True  False  There is upward mobility from the masses to the elites in the U.S. today.

14. True  False  There is a growing gap in earnings and wealth between elites and the masses in the U. S. today.

15. True  False  Under elite theory, the elites welcome change and are receptive to radical changes in the way things are done.

16. True  False  Under the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment provides for freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble.

Fill in blank


1. A _______________ is an abstract model of the perfect society where people live in fairness and harmony.

2. Political parties publish their positions on a variety of issues in their party's ____________.

3. Under the _______________ theory of political power, government policy does not always reflect the demands of the masses.

4. A one-issue politician is said to stand on a _________________ and try to persuade others to think like him about the issue.

5. The United States is a _______________ democracy.

6. The ___________________ is the written body of rules the American democracy has agreed to follow.

7. Under elite theory, elites in charge of government do not always act in the best _____________ of the masses.


A.    incremental                                   D.  platform                          G.  "revolving door"

B.     Darwinism                                    E.  Civil War                          H.  "veil of ignorance"

C.     democracy                                   F.  social contract                  I.    political power

______ The collection of policy statements and beliefs of a particular political party or organization on which their candidates run for political office.

______ Survival of the fittest.

______ A description of government officials who have previously held positions of high  importance in education or business who when their government position end, return to high positions in education or business.

______ The agreement, either formally stated or implied, among members of a society that allows for the establishment and continuance of the social structure and the government.

______ Those who possess this get to decide : "who gets what, when and how."

______ A system of government in which the majority governs and in which the rights of minorities are protected.

______ This historical event is often referred to as a major disagreement between elite groups, or an "elite cleavage."

______ Under elite theory, the preferred method of change to the status quo.

______ Created by John Rawls in A Theory of Justice, this is a concept whereby a citizen determines the fairness of a policy by not knowing whether it will affect him or not.


A.   Elites                    B.  Masses                  C.  Mass media          D.  Political Parties

_____ Can make their voices heard through voting.

_____ Put forth candidates to run for office under their policy statements or name.

_____ Controlled by large corporations and run as a business to entertain and make money.

_____ Control political power and society's resources in most countries.

_____ Can become disaffiliated from politics because they feel powerless.

_____ Hold high positions of leadership in most of society's institutions.

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Dissertation: It is the political theory of the united states that
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