
It is tempting to praise the benefits of csr after-all who

Case - Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Approach

Review this article on Corporate Social Responsibility: Freeman, R.E. & J. Liedtke (1991) Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Approach. Business Horizons. Jul/Aug91, Vol. 34 Issue 4,

It is tempting to praise the benefits of CSR. After-all, who wouldn't want to help the community or environment? However, what is the primary purpose of a for-profit corporation? Using the concepts learned in the required readings, discuss whether a company should attempt to solve the world's problems, while at the same time working towards a profit for the shareholders.

250 words in APA format. Citations and intext-citation. Please remember that each paragraph most be at least 3 sentences.Use term words from the chapter 11 & 12 readings.

1) Peng, M. (2014). Global strategy. Mason, Ohio: South-Western.

Chapter 11 Governing the Corporation Around the World

Chapter 12 Strategizing with Corporate Social Responsibility

Freeman, R. E., &Liedtka, J. (1991). Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Approach. Business Horizons, 34(4), 92-98.

2) Betts, S., Laud, R., Mir, R., &Vicari, V. (2012). THE PARADOX OF STRUCTURE AND CONTROL IN THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION: DO WE HOLD TIGHT OR LET GO? Allied Academies International Conference.Academy for Studies in International Business.Proceedings, 12(1), 1-5. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docview/1272095097?accountid=8289

3) Wiersema, M. F., & Bowen, H. P. (2008). Corporate diversification: the impact of foreign competition, industry globalization, and product diversification. Strategic Management Journal, 29(2), 115-132.

4) Sousa Filho, José Milton de, Wanderley, LilianSoaresOuttes, Gómez, Carla Pasa, &Farache, Francisca. (2010). Strategic corporate social responsibility management for competitive advantage. BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, 7(3), 294-309. https://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1807-76922010000300006

5) Kashmanian, R. M.; Wells, R. P.; Keenan, C. (2011) Corporate Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Key Elements. Journal of Corporate Citizenship 2011(44) doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.9774/GLEAF.4700.2011.wi.00008

6) Lucas, M. T. (2010). Understanding environmental management practices: integrating views from strategic management and ecological economics. Business Strategy &The Environment (John Wiley & Sons, Inc), 19(8), 543-556. doi:10.1002/bse.662

7) Mustafa, S.A., Othman, A. R, Perumal, S. (2012) Corporate Social Responsibility and Company Performance in the Malaysian Context. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 65(897-905) doi:


8) Tingchi Liu, M., Anthony Wong, I., Shi, G., Chu, R., & Brock, J.,L. (2014). The impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance and perceived brand quality on customer-based brand preference.The Journal of Services Marketing, 28(3), 181. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docview/1652829392?accountid=8289

Video Icon Videos for Review

7 Steps to Successful Strategy and Implementation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkesApAMSQk

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