
It is desired to compute a single line to estimate

The article "Experimental Measurement of Radiative Heat Transfer in Gas-Solid Suspension Flow Sys- tem" (G. Han, K. Tuzla, and J. Chen, AIChe Jour- nal, 2002:1910-1916) discusses the calibration of a radiometer. Several measurements were made on the electromotive force readings of the radiometer (in volts) and the radiation flux (in kilowatts per square meter). The results (read from a graph) are presented in the following table.

Heat flux(y) 15 31 51 55 67 89
Signal output(x) 1.08 2.42 4.17 4.46 3.17 6.92

a. Compute the least-squares line for estimating the temperature as a function of time, using T1 as the value for temperature.

b. Compute the least-squares line for estimating the temperature as a function of time, using T2 as the value for temperature.

c. Compute the least-squares line for estimating the temperature as a function of time, using T3 as the value for temperature.

d. It is desired to compute a single line to estimate temperature as a function of time. One person suggests averaging the three slope estimates to obtain a single slope estimate, and averaging the three intercept estimates to obtain a single intercept estimate. Find the equation of the line that results from this method.

e. Someone else suggests averaging the three tem- perature measurements at each time to obtain

f. Compute the least-squares line for predicting heat flux from the signal output.

g. If the radiometer reads 3.00 V, predict the heat flux.

h. If the radiometer reads 8.00 V, should the heat flux be predicted? If so, predict it. If not, explain why.

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Physics: It is desired to compute a single line to estimate
Reference No:- TGS01356118

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