
I.t infrastructure management

Assessment item 2
Enterprise Architect''s Bog & SWOT Analysis II
Value: 35%
Due date: 04-Oct-2014
Return date: 25-Oct-2014
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
WHAT TO DO FOR Task 2A (15%)

Submit your Enterprise Architect blog as a single page with the Web address of your blog via EASTS for marking by the Due Date in the Study Schedule.
The final blog entry is titled The Future of enterprise architecture and requires answers to the following question (Max 300 words). The main aim of this part is for you to reflect critically on the role of an enterprise architect in an organisation.

"(a) What is the difference between enterprise architecture and IT architecture? (b) Should enterprise architecture really be called “IT” architecture?"
When doing the above task, you should also:

Continue to store the same postings made to the blog each week, as defined in Assessment Item 1 previously.
Continue to engage in forum discussions with others and reply to other posts from your peers.
WHAT TO DO FOR Task 2B (15%)

Many leading organizations and managers have raised concerns about Enterprise Architecture as an effective practice, you are required to do some research and reflect critically on the role of an enterprise architect in an organisation by doing a SWOT Analysis of a new ICT service in an organization.

Follow the same procedure as described in Assessment Item 1 and the use the same SWOT Analysis Template to analyse and evaluate a new ICT product or service.
Compare the SWOT Analysis results of the current ICT service (from Assessment Item 1) with the SWOT Analysis results of the new ICT service.
In your role as Enterprise Architect, write a report listing and evaluating the findings from your analysis and include your recommendations as per the SWOT template

Assessment Item 2 is aligned with objectives 2, 3, 5 and 6 and measures your ability to undertake a role-play as an Enterprise Architect, who is able to investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of new and current ICT services. In addition the EA must acquire an understanding of the importance of aligning strategic planning from both the IT and management perspectives.

Blogging is a good way to build a knowledge base, assist in developing business intelligence, project management and knowledge management and succession planning as well as discussing the issues of Enterprise Architect that may arise during the integration of new technology into a firm''s ICT infrastructure.

Good IT manager''s and EA’s can reflect critically on their role and know how to analyse technology
trends and synthesise the theory with the technical and management issues in ICT service delivery.

Marking criteria

Learning Outcomes

1. be able to describe the business value and processes of ICT services in an organisation and understand the knowledge and skills of an enterprise architect in the workplace;
2. be able to investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of new and current ICT services to an organisation;
3. be able to understand that effective IT Infrastructure Management requires strategic planning with alignment from both the IT and business perspectives in an organisation;
4. be able to demonstrate the technical and communications skills that contribute to ICT governance in an organisation;
5. be able to reflect critically on the role of an enterprise architect in an organisation;
6. be able to synthesise the key theoretical concepts with the technical and management issues in delivering ICT services to an organisation.

Marking criteria & standards of performance

Task 2A be able to reflect critically on the role of an enterprise architect in an organisation
Value 15%
Learning Outcomes covered by Task 2A = 1,4,5,6

HD => 85%
DI 75-84%
CR 65-74%
PS 50-64%

Enterprise Architect (EA) role and initial
Posting as introduction
Posts are conceptually
advanced, engaged in a substantive way with the material.
1.70 to 2.00%
Comprehensive introduction and purpose of the blog as an EA. Blog posts are well developed and engaged with the material; lacks conceptual clarity.
1.50 to 1.69%
Good introduction and understanding of the EA role. Blog posts are adequate, but reflect superficial engagement with the material.
1.30 to 1.49%
Brief introduction and unclear about the EA role; very few
Blog postings in early weeks, but a start has been made that can be improved in future.
1.00 to 1.29%
Frequency of Blog entries
Participates frequently and consistently.
0.85 to 1.00%
Participates 1-2 a week, but
Blog postings are not distributed.
0.75 to 0.84%
Participates once a week.
0.65 to 0.74%
Infrequent participation or all done in batch near the due date.
0.50 to 0.64%
Weekly content contribution via Blog and Forums
Sophisticated and confident understanding of topics and both Blog and Forum posts draw directly upon the Module activities and Chapter assessment material to
make a creative and
substantive point that
extends beyond the
1.70 to 2.00%
Content is factually accurate and adds to the forum discussion but does not include much conceptual understanding or development at times.
1.50 to 1.69%
Content follows the Module activities but does not add
substantively to the discussion via forums.
1.30 to 1.49%
Posts just the basic information, may be working tangential to discussion on the Forum.
1.00 to 1.29%

Task 2B SWOT Analysis of a new ICT service
Value 15%
Learning Outcomes covered by Task 2B = 2,3

HD => 85%
DI 75-84%
CR 65-74%
PS 50-64%

Description of the new ICT service under investigation
Provides a thorough and detailed description and understanding of a newICT service in the workplace, worthy of analysis.
0.85 to 1.00%
Provides a comprehensive description and understanding of a new ICT service in the workplace, worthy of analysis.
0.75 to 0.84%
Provides a good description and basic understanding of a current ICT service in the workplace, chosen for analysis.
0.65 to 0.74%
Provides only a brief description or unclear understanding of a new ICT service in the workplace, as chosen for analysis.
0.50 to 0.64%
Identifications of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat (maximum of 5 each)
SWOT table items identified demonstrate a thorough and insightful understanding of the key concepts, principles and theories of SWOT analysis. 4.25 to 5.00%
SWOT table items identified demonstrate considerable understanding of the key concepts, principles and theories of SWOT analysis. 3.75 to 4.24%
SWOT table items identified demonstrate good understanding of the key concepts, principles and theories of SWOT analysis.3.25 to 3.74%
SWOT table items identified demonstrate limited understanding of the key concepts, principles and theories of SWOT analysis. 2.50 to 3.24%
Summary of SWOT results, Critical Thinking & Recommendations
Summary and Recommendations demonstrates a high degree of critical thinking and ability to use specific strategies to gather information and generate recommendations for the ICT service under SWOT analysis.
1.70 to 2.00%
Summary and Recommendations demonstrates considerable critical thinking ability to use specific strategies to gather information and generate recommendations for the ICT service under SWOT analysis.
1.50 to 1.69%
Summary and Recommendations demonstrates some critical thinking ability to use specific strategies to gather information and generate recommendations for the ICT service under SWOT analysis.
1.50 to 1.69%
Summary and Recommendations demonstrates limited critical thinking ability to use specific strategies to gather information and generate recommendations for the ICT service under SWOT analysis.
1.00 to 1.29%
Stated review of goals and objectives in short, mid and long term plans
Review of goals and objectives demonstrates a high degree of ability as an EA to use an organizational pattern of results to structure ideas for planning and development.
1.70 to 2.00%
Review of goals and objectives demonstrates considerable ability as an EA to use an organizational pattern to structure ideas for planning and development.
1.50 to 1.69%
Review of goals and objectives demonstrates some ability as an EA to use an organizational pattern to structure ideas for planning and development.
1.50 to 1.69%
Review of goals and objectives demonstrates limited ability as an EA to use an organizational pattern to structure ideas for planning and development.
1.00 to 1.29%

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